Cool Notepade Trick

1. World Trade Center Attack Trick

As you might be knowing that the flight number of the plane that had hit world trade Center on that dreadful day (9/11) was Q33NY. Now call this trick a coincidence or something else but whatever it is, it dose startle us.

  • Open Notepad.
  • Type "Q33N" (without quotes) in capital letters.
  • Increase the font size to 72.
  • Change the Font to Wingdings.

You will be amazed by the findings.

2. Make A Personal Log-Book or A Diary

Did you know that you can also use Notepad as a simple digital diary or a personal Log-Book? Well, if you didn't then follow the below mentioned steps to make one for yourself !

  • Open Notepad.
  • Type .LOG (in capital letters) and hit enter.
  • Save it with any name and close it.
  • Open it again.

When you open the file again you will see the current date and time being inserted automatically after the .LOG line. This will happen automatically every time ou reopen the notepad file.

3. Matrix Effect

Not much to explain, jut follow the steps and see the amazing matrix effect happen in your DOS window:
Open Notepad.
Copy the below mentioned text in your notepad file:

@echo off

color 02


echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%

goto start

  • Save the file with .bat extension like Matrix.bat

Thats it. Just open the file to see the matrix effect !

4. Test your anti virus

Using simple notepad trick you can check you anti virus whether its working properly or not.

  • Open Notepad.
  • Copy the below code in the notepad file:


  • Save it with an .exe extention like testvirus.exe

As soon as you will save this notepad file your anti virus will detect it as a virus. If it detect the file as virus your anti virus is working properly if not than you need to change your programe.

5. Notepad Trick to annoy your friends

  • Open Notepad.
  • Paste the following code in the notepad file:

@ECHO off
msg * Hey
msg * Want to have Fun?
msg * You do?
msg * We will both have fun, alright?
msg * More fun?

  • Save the file with any file name but with .bat as extension and close it. For eg. cool.bat

After saving the file just open it (by double clicking) and see what happens.
